Metatron Amulet
Metatron Amulet
Metatron Amulet
Metatron cube has the significance and energy of the universe flow and helps a person change their negative thoughts to positive
Archangel Metatron is know as the priest of heaven
This amulet provides a connection to the divine.
The symbol of this amulet has deep significance and meaning :
• mystical 3-dimension cube used by Archangel Metatron to watch over the flow of energy connecting earth and the divine
• contains all 5 Platonic Solids hidden inside, symbolizing the underlying patterns of our universe
• spins with energy to help you replace negative thoughts with positive ones
• reminds us that the universe wants us to discover our personal power and use it to do good
Use it for more psychic powers, divine guidance and bring stability in your thoughts