Crown of Success Powder
Crown of Success Powder
Help you obtain your goals and to succeed in your endeavors. It's perfect to use when looking for a job, apartment, an interview or simply achieve something you may have your heart set on.
Crown of success powder as you may have guessed can be used for several different things such as when looking to achieve success in several different areas including school, financial and career matters. This type of incense powder is generally burned in a specific area to bring success and empowerment.
You can burn this powder as you perform your rituals and other wishes and smudge yourself and others with the fragrant smoke to cleanse or empower your workplace, home or any other area with success energy. Light it before doing any spell work to elevate and empower your spell and for best results.
If you don’t wish to use the crown of success powder as incense or burn it in any other way, you can also simply sprinkle it over things and people that will most likely bring you success. For example, you can take a tad bit and sprinkle it over yourself when heading out for an exam or job interview or place it on the area you will come into contact with such as a pillow, etc.
You can even take a little bit in your hand and anoint your forehead or brow, an action that you will see in many crowns of success powder rituals. Crown of success powder can also be used alongside other things such as candles and other magical things such as creams. Another great way to use the crown of success powder is by placing it in such as areas where you or the other party comes in contact with such as pillows, etc.
If you’re looking for success in school exams, you can place the crown of success powder in between the pages of your book. You don’t have to use a whole bunch, but just taken a tad bit on your hand and sprinkling it should work effectively towards the success of your wishes.
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